Thirty-three international teams, and many other Air Force teams from around the country will descend on McChord Field this July. It's all part of Air Mobility Command's Rodeo, and for the casual observer, other than increased air traffic and seeing through the fences lots of planes on McChord's tarmac, you don't have access to the event. It is not an air show.
But you can get involved. First, if you have a hotel or car rental agency, call the Rodeo office immediately - they need 750 cars and 3200 rooms - it should be you.
Email Jonathon Harris at McChord to get connected.
If you'd like to get a chance to sponsor some activities, you may also start with Jonathon as well.
If you are a chamber of commerce member with Tacoma, Lakewood or Lacey, all three host events for the participants and dignataries. Be sure to call your Chamber office right away to find out how to be involved.
Finally, we publish an Air Show Guide to help the participants know what to do while they are here. You may call us to advertise at (253) 584-1212.
Rodeo is a lot of fun - and you get out of it what you put into it. We hope to see you there.